Thursday, November 7, 2013

Things I learned in sales that totally apply to dating

A sales career requires a person to stay positive while enduring loads of rejection, then be able to nurture a relationship appropriately when you find a "qualified prospect" that could lead to a potential sale, all the while adjusting your messaging and tactics to suit the personality characteristics of the individual decision maker.  Sound familiar?  Yes, sales is pretty much dating, only you get paid after "closing" and it's not shady.

Here are a few things I learned from sales that totally apply to dating:  

Set the follow up appointment.  Interest fades with time, so if you had a great first date, set the second within three days, if possible.  The more time passes, the greater the possibility competing priorities will take precedence.

Appeal to her peers as well.  Does she have a dog?  Do you know some of her friends?  Having the social network on your side will strengthen the deal.  A great move is buying her beloved pet a toy instead of getting her flowers early on in the relationship.  This shows originality and that you're on board with her having a pet.  Because, lets be real-- if it comes down to you or the dog, she's choosing the dog.

Make her miss you.  Don't go too big on texting.  You want the other person to reach out because they want to, not because they feel compelled to politely respond to your many messages.

Understand where she is in the "sales (relationship) cycle."  If she just got out of a relationship, you're probably going to need to keep things slow, unless you're into being the rebound.  Every deal is different, so you can't treat them all the same.  Learn when to push the gas pedal and when to let her do the driving.

After you "close the deal" and you're in a publicly recognized relationship, now is the time to nurture the "account" so you can be sure they renew year after year.  A great way to do this is to learn a bit about your counterpart's love language.  This will allow you to tailor your messaging and actions in a way that speaks to them, bringing about higher quality communication, which some would say is the key to a lasting relationship.

Related Posts:
Love Languages
That guy you "hate" would probably be your BFF in a different circumstance
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